Service within the Parish

The options on this page are avenues for reaching out within the parish to offer fellowship, welcome, and comfort. For opportunities to serve or participate in the liturgy of St. Andrew’s, please click here.

Greeter Ministry
This ministry welcomes visitors and newcomers to worship services on Sunday. Greeters also provide assistance, directions, and information to visitors and members. 

​Coffee Hour
Newcomers are introduced to St. Andrew’s parishioners, after the main service.  All enjoy fellowship.

​Welcome Team
This group follows up with visitors and newcomers with phone calls, notes, and email. They attend meetings to share the results of those phone calls with each other, and to pass on information gathered to clergy.

New Member Dinners
New member dinners are held at the home of a parishioner. We always appreciate help with hosting and giving our newest parishioners a warm welcome.

Care/Casserole Guild
St. Andrew’s parishioners take care of each other by providing meals during times of birth, death, illness, or injury.