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Transforming Generosity: Stewardship 2023 Blog

Stewardship through Transforming Generosity

Dear Parishioners and friends of St. Andrew’s,

We are energized by this year’s stewardship theme, “Transforming Generosity.” We like it because it has two meanings. 

The first way to look at it is that generosity can transform us, our community and our church. When we become financially generous, we can empower the ministry of St. Andrews and transform the wider community. 

The second meaning is that we can transform what generosity looks like. We can define generosity as the way we live our lives and the way our church works in the community. We are called to be generous financially. But we are also called to be generous in the way we welcome newcomers, care for the planet, forgive those who have offended us, and care for our facilities. 

This year’s pledge drive is about more than our parish budget. It is about how we transform generosity and allow generosity to transform us. We know our lives can be changed through this work. We hope each one of us will prayerfully review the reflections written for the Sundays during our pledge campaign. They represent a variety of voices on generosity from across the Church. 

We hope you’ll join us as we work together to transform generosity in our church, our community and our lives. 


Members of the Stewardship Committee 

Online Pledge Card

Recurring Contributions

Visit our portal on Tithly to set up recurring donations via credit card or bank drafts. You can also call the church office to set this up. Please consider covering the fees when you donate using this method.

Give via Text

Text "give" to (205) 576-0674, click the link you receive, complete the form with your credit/debit card information, follow the instructions via text.

Give via Check

​Write a check to St. Andrew's Episcopal Church and put it in the offertory plate during a service or mail it to: 

1024 12th Street South​
Birmingham, Alabama 35205

Stock Gifts

Giving appreciated securities can maximize your tax benefit while supporting St. Andrew’s mission.

IRA Charitable Rollover

If you are 70 ½ or older, you can give a tax-free gift of up to $100,000 per person from your IRA directly to St. Andrew’s

Employer Matching

Many companies match employee charitable contributions, even to churches.