Liturgy reminds us of the continuity in action of followers in doing “this in remembrance” of the life and teachings of Jesus. Ritual serves as a threshold to spiritual understanding otherwise difficult to articulate.

Liturgy and


Of the many reasons parishioners give for attending St. Andrew’s, one of the most often mentioned is love for our high church liturgy. As a contemporary Anglo-Catholic parish whose worship is shaped and guided by the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, we do indeed prefer our services “high”: music-filled and enriched by the use of Eucharistic vestments, incense, intoning, and bells. In this way, all our senses are engaged, involving our whole being in prayer.

At the heart of our worship are the two central sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Baptism. Our parishioners believe “receiving the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist” is a very important element in our church life. We celebrate Eucharist frequently, offering 8:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services on Sunday. We observe many of the major feast days throughout the year and celebrate weekly House Eucharists in the summer at the homes of our parishioners. With the exception of the early Sunday service, which is according to Rite I, all of our services are celebrated in accordance with Rite II. We historically offered a Eucharist on Tuesday morning and a Friday Healing Rites Service.